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Cause Of Hair Growth

Tue Jun 23 14:06:05 PM





Heredity is, of course, the key culprit is excessive hair growth. Any influence on the gladular/endocrine system, normal or abnormal, can also cause unwanted hair growth. Normal changes include puberty, pregnancy and menopause. Abnormal influence such as illness, medications, hormones and stress may also cause superfluous hair.




Increase in the blood supply to the immediate area greatly  enhances its growth. As if the hair were being “Fertilized” by the influx of this unaccustomed nourishment, it tends to grow deeper and coarser. It is not yet a terminal hair. A plentiful supply of blood is necessary for the development of these deeper kinds of hair.  Nevertheless increasing the blood supply in an area where there no hairs at all will not create new hairs. Blood supply merely nourishes existing hairs.


Hair Growth that has been caused by a hormone distrurbance or a bodily influence is referred to as asystemic cause. Hormones are natural substances transported in the blood which act aschemical messengers targeting specific cells and tissues of the body.



All women have low levels of male hormones in their circulation, these are made in their circulation, these are made in the overies as an intermediate stepin making female hormones but sometimes the levels can become imbalanced resulting in certain manifestations such as excess hair growth. Normal disturbances are pubery,pregancy, menopauses and even stress. There are certain stages in a women,s life where hormones become imblanced naturally.


In menopausal women the male hormones or androgen levels become dissproportional compared to the dalling levels of the female hormones and hair may delop or existing hair may become darker. In some cases, where hormone output is not adjusted, elecrolysis control the growth rather than eradication it.


Certain  hormones on the other hand, seem to have the capacity for initiating the growth of new hairs where none existed previously. Of course an excess of hormones does not cause hairs to leap out of the flesh wherever it flows. Hormonal hair growth, especially on the face, is not limited to just PCOS but also Cushing’s Syndrome, adrenal problems  thyroid disorders and more.


This type of hair is tough to the touch, like plastic toothbrush bristles. It is deeper and more strongly rooted than typical facial hair. The hair itself is sometimes not particularly thick, but the roots are very large which cause a noticeable shadow under the skin. Not surprisingly many sufferers pluck the hair out to stop this shadow appearing, but sadly this can lead to ingrown hairs and damaged skin. A vicious circle then starts up where the sufferer can’t stop plucking, even though she knows it’s making her skin look worse.





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